I'm back!!!! After a chaotic yet exciting past few months, I've finally settled in paradise aka Bermuda, my new home. My husband and I have relocated and I will be exploring and enjoying island life and sharing my new style experiences with you.

My fast paced, high strung life will now be filled with calm, laid back days...something I'll have to get used to. Also my close knit family will no longer be over every weekend and my girls nights will be a lot harder to plan than usual. However, this will make the time I spend with them more about quality and not quantity. However superficial this may sound - the hardest thing to get used to is the fact that the fashion capital of the world will no longer be at my finger tips:( My walks across town from the east to the west side after work will no longer be spent window shopping on Fifth Avenue and filled with impulse purchases. I'll be doing a whole lot more online shopping and making trips dedicated to stocking up on new clothes. So...I will no longer be blogging from the city that never sleeps, but from the beautiful island of Bermuda. Can't wait to get back to what I love most...blogging, fashion and style!